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دکتر ملیکا ملک آرا
کارشناس و تحلیل گر مسائل اقتصادی

دکتر ملیکا ملک آرا

Generation Z - ماهنامه خبری تحلیلی فرا اقتصاد بین الملل
Managing Generation Z: A New Generation, A New Approach / Dr. Melika Malek Ara (a researcher and business professional)

Managing Generation Z: A New Generation, A New Approach / Dr. Melika Malek Ara (a researcher and business professional)

Fara Eghtesad Bein-al-Melal | Generation Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, has entered the workforce with unique characteristics. These attributes present both new opportunities and specific challenges for managers and organizations compared to previous generations. Having grown up with technology, Generation Z seeks meaning and purpose in their work, and they place […]